What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a multi-award-winning therapy that is working toward critical acclaim as the “go- to” therapy.

How Marissa Defines RTT

How Does It Work?

RTT does not rely solely on positive reinforcement.

RTT goes beyond this and focuses on identifying how, where and when unhelpful beliefs and behaviors were formed. It then utilises the leading scientific principles of Neuroplasticity to enable the creation of new neural pathways in the mind.

Fundamental Rules of Mind

There are a number of Rules of the Mind. These three underlying principles form the foundation for the rest of the rules:

How is RTT different from other forms of therapy?

Who Is It For?

RTT is for anyone (children and adults)...

in mental and physical pain or who have blockages preventing them from enjoying life. It’s for those who are ready to make positive changes to their lives.

looking for freedom and empowerment; it sets people free from their painful past, releasing destructive/negative habits and addictive patterns.

who is ready for change, who has had enough of the things that hold them back, that inhibit or prevent them from: success, love, connection, peace, wealth or happiness.

focused on outcomes;“what is it you want to be able to do?”, “what would life be like without the problem/pain?”. It’s not your usual “come chat about your problems” type of therapy.

What should I expect from a session?

Your session with me will help you reach a deeply relaxed state to enable you to focus on past events. As the client, you will work alongside with me to uncover the meaning and interpretation you created at the time and the beliefs you formed as a result. You can then move on to reframe the way you look at the past from your adult perspective today.

Once that has been achieved, I will help you to create new, positive beliefs. This will be reinforced with a personalized audio for you to listen to for 21-30 days to establish beneficial change going forward. The process is completely safeguarded, with safety compassionate towards individual interest and therapist care, and highly scientific. The level of one’s self-committal to one’s transformation is significant and it allows the processes of engagement.