RTT with Subreen has given back my life.
"I was diagnosed with an illness 3 years ago. After a year I was struggling to manage it. Even with prescribed medication, it spiraled in to a chain reaction from hearing loss in 1 ear and imbalance to panic attacks, anxiety and onset depression. I could no longer drive, perform daily tasks, care for my family, be in the moment. I was trying all that I could. Different types of allopathic medication, homeopathy, physical therapy, meditation, exercises but nothing was helping. Then I met Subreen. She asked me to try RTT. She explained and I researched the process. We had 2 sessions to address the different areas. One for vertigo and hearing loss, the other for confidence. After the hypnotherapy sessions I felt myself release something (can call it energy, baggage, feelings and emotions that were no longer serving me). It felt great. Subreen provided me with audios to listen to. Since then I am more in controll of myself and my life. I'm back to being the person I know I am. I love that it didn't require me to go through weeks of talking therapy. Instead we went directly to the subconscious mind to find the cause and then address it. Thank you Subreen for your amazing work."